Updated: 31 July 2012, 15:30 +01:00 GMT.
Yoga and The Natural World (AAAP36N).
(Opens in a new window.)
Dear reader, above is a new link to the pdf on the philosophy of yoga referred to in many of my posts below (thus, in those posts, please disregard older links to various versions of this my main document on the yoga). Perhaps some other links in earlier posts will also malfunction (as time goes by I look forward to having updated them all).
At present I am reediting this manuscript, "Yoga and The Natural World", which collects pieces I've written on the yoga and on our understanding of nature. I have tried to organize those texts into some semblance of stringency of development of context which is: paradigm, metaphor, and wholity of yoga (well, the yogic method is my particular stance, and yet I hold a naturalistic worldview and have therefore added a few thoughts on Science, and some other odds an' ends). I keep updating the main document now and then and everytime I open it up I find there is something in need of correction, or something to add (or delete), but, somehow, seemingly, it's all nearing completion.
So, here again, is the latest link straight to the new version:
Yoga and The Natural World (AAAP36M).
(Opens in a new window.)
This link will open a pdf (16 MB) in your browser (at least it does so in my IE, in my Chrome it don't, with Chrome I have to download it first. Hm?). For some other writings of mine have a look in my 'Books' folder at my Windows Live SkyDrive (you'll find download links there for all the books I am working on).
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State-sponsored rape, lies and deception – then a cover-up operating right
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